

The ministry of Lector is an opportunity to serve at Mass by proclaiming the Word of God to your fellow parishioners. You need not be an orator or a trained thespian; you need only to read in a clear enunciated voice. Lectors generally proclaim from the Old Testament and New Testament Epistles during Mass, and at times the Responsorial Psalm (if there is no music or cantor in attendance) during the liturgy of the Word. If no deacon is present, you may be called upon to read the Universal Prayers (Prayers of the Faithful).

If you are interested in serving in this rewarding ministry, you need only contact the Ministry Coordinator and you will be informed of the next training session, under the supervision of a Deacon or the Pastor, prior to your scheduling. To assist you in your preparation before Mass, a Workbook for Lectors is available containing all Sunday and Holy days of obligation readings for the Liturgical Year.

For more information contact:

Mary Haloski, Ministry Coordinator
(530) 589-4562
E-mail: marhalo@sbcglobal.net

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