Faith Formation

Faith formation equips Christians to live as disciples of Jesus. It primarily focuses on deepening an initial conversion to faith and incorporates the catechetical, liturgical, and pastoral ministries. Jesus formed his disciples by making known to them the various dimensions of the Kingdom of God. Christ’s method of formation was accomplished by diverse yet interrelated tasks. His example is the most fruitful inspiration for effective catechesis today because it is integral to formation in the Christian faith. Faith must be known, celebrated, lived, and expressed in prayer. So, catechesis comprises six fundamental tasks, each of which is related to an aspect of faith in Christ.

Faith Formation

  • Promotes knowledge of the faith.
  • Promotes knowledge of the meaning of the Liturgy and the Sacraments.
  • Promotes moral formation in Jesus Christ.
  • Teaches the Christian how to pray with Christ.
  • Prepares the Christian to live in community and to participate actively in the Life and mission of the Church.
  • Promotes a missionary spirit that prepares the faithful to be present as Christians in society.